
Laos weather in April

Laos weather in Apr

Following the temperature trend of March, April is regarded as one of the hottest months of the year and you may expect signs of the wet season at the end of the month. This month is predicted to receive short rains and thunderstorms.

In April, the temperature reaches 40°C, especially in Pakse and the 4000 islands region in the south of the country, whilst temperatures hover around a rather warm 30°C in Vientiane and Luang Prabang. Despite high temperatures, humidity levels remain around 70%. Towards the end of the month, showers become more likely as the wet season approaches, especially in the northern regions around Phongsali, although these tend to be infrequent and short lived and won’t affect travel.

If you have intension to visit Laos, this month is much honored because Laotians celebrate their new year from 13 to 15 April. This is the occasion when all the families to get together for the celebrations. Government sectors, private sectors, local markets, and all the other stores are closed during the celebrations. The streets are full of Laotians who have high spirit of joy and contentment and celebrate it with the hope of prosperity in the future.

Slash & Burn

Travelling Laos during April and May, you may encounter the signs of 'slash and burn' farming, unfortunately occur throughout much of Asia. New ground is cleared in February and, once dry, any wood and bush not required is burnt. Fires are lit across the country and this can create a misty effect at times, especially in rustic regions.







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