
Thailand weather in July

Thailand weather in Jul

Weather-wise July in Thailand is similar to June, only with more rain. Chiang Mai and the northern regions experience heavy rain, which means that trekking can be difficult but, the jungles are lush and the rivers and waterfalls are flowing. Bangkok and the central regions experience rain in the form of almost daily downpours. The heavy rains mean that flooding can be a problem throughout this region. In the northeast, the Mekong River is teeming with life and there is rain every two days or so. The southeast, especially the areas along the north coast experience good weather with sun and warm temperatures.

The east coast beaches of Koh Saumi and Khanom are the best beach options. They experience less rain than Koh Chang and you have a better chance of getting some longer sunny periods.  Phuket and other southwest beaches are still very wet and access is limited due to the decrease in ferry traffic.

The beaches of the southeast can be very nice this time of year for both sunbathing and snorkeling. The rest of Thailand however is very wet and muddy. If you are up to braving the mud, you will see roaring waterfalls and lush jungles. Just remember to bring a rain coat and extra socks!







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